
The Constitutional Monarchy. The First Constitution



The Constitutional Monarchy. The First Constitution

In order to put an end to internal political divergences and the continuous fight for political supremacy, the Ad-hoc assemblies decided to bring a member of a foreign, well-known dynasty to the throne of the Principalities. It would have not only stopped interior conflicts, but also prevented external influence in the internal affairs, thus strenghtening the country's independence even more. The Hohenzollern Prince Carol was crowned that same year as “constitutional monarch” and the first Constitution of the country was adopted.

The 1866 Constitution, among the first truly democratical constitutions of the time, settled some of the basic human rights: it granted equality in front of the law, freedom of thought, of speech, of the press, of assembly as well as securing private property. Even though it dicriminated against women and people belonging to religious cults other than Christianity, as well as keeping the election system based on wealth, the Constitution was a foundation of stone for further emancipation and granting of the other basic rights.

The next step towards democracy was the forming af the two main political parties later that century: the National Liberal Party and the Conservative Party, succeding one another at the government of the country.



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