
Project narrative


 Our Project Narative

Problems to overcome

From the first moment we decided to subscribe to the contest, several issues have come up which were more or less easy to deal with.

Firstly, there was the problem of choosing a topic. Although some of us considered the issue of terrorism, we finally decided upon the theme of human rights, as it not only affects practically everyone in the world, but it also has a wider aplicability and lies at the foundation of any democratic system.

Secondly, there was the problem of finding adequate sources of information. We had settled the main topics our website should tackle relatively easily, but now the problem of documentation occurred. The Internet was our main source, even though this meant quite a lot of sleepless nights (in our coutry people mostly use low band width, dial-up connections, which are quite expensive during daytime so the only option was searching for documentation at night). We also found some interesting material at the local library and at the school library and we scanned the media for issues related to our theme on a daily basis.

The conceiving of questinnaires for our surveys and the interviews proved quite an easy task in comparison with the unbelievable ignorance, even hostility we dare say, with which these were sometimes met. Some people refused to answer, someone even asked as who was paying for the interviews to be done. It was rather disheartening, but it didn't make us give up.The actual process of questioning people for the surveys was an interesting experience, though not an easy job at all, especially as it was the first time we had done this.

Perhaps our biggest problem was, however, deciding upon the adequate people for the interviews. We knew that they had to have some degree of authority and competence, so we made up a list from which we chose the best representatives.

Overall, we chose to do all the work on the site ourselves, not only because we were interested in the topic and wanted to improve our knowledge and skills, but also because we knew the site was addressed to stundents of approximately the same age as ourselves, therefore presenting this issue from a similar point of view would help them realise the importance of human rights.


Impact in community   [UP]

Through the surveys we performed, we were able to establish the fact that few people actually know and understand the true essence of human rights, not to mention the fact that some people even ignore the abuses they are subjected to, considering them a normality. We have conceived our site in such a way as to raise an alarm among people world wide, but especially among youngsters, the generation that, if thoroughly aware of its rights and liberties, can put them into practice and see to it that they are respected. Most of our schoolmates confessed they were interested in the topic of human rights and its wide-spread implications, but hadn't had the chance to find out more about it by then. Through our project, we gave them this opportunity.


Ambassadors   [UP]

One woman in her fifties that we interviewed for our survey complained about the present political situation in our country, about the outdated mentality most politicians thrive in, about the disregard of human dignity which often occurs in our society. Most people complained more or less directly about this state of things, but what this woman pointed out was that the solution could only lie in the hands of the new generation. However, she complained about the ignorance the young generation displays regarding the fields of promoting justice and system of solid moral values. We were so pleased to be the ones to prove her that she was wrong about young people, that there are some students that are genuinely concerned with the wellfare of our nation and are aware that they also have responsibilities, not only rights. It was through her that we realised the general positive impression we have made and the hope, the optimism dose we gave, at least to those open-minded people that cared to see the writing we had written on the wall.


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