
The Official Proclamation and Recognition of Independence



The Official Proclamation and Recognition of Independence

To the end of the 1870s, the Otoman Empire's influence in the Balcans became more and more bothering to Russia and the Western European powers. As a conflict was imminent, Russia realised the startegic importance of the an alliance with the Romanian Principalities. A treaty was signed, allowing russian troops to pass romanian territory, thus triggering represallies of the Turkish government, which culminated in the bombing of Romanian harbors on the Danube . This act was taken as a declaration of war. Consequently, the Romanian Parliament officially proclaimed the coutry's independence on 10 th May 1877 and also the war with Turkey .

As the war between Russia and Turkey broke off, Romania would actively contribute to the succes of Russian campaigns and secure its freedom.The international recognition of the independence was conditioned by the modification of constitutional provisions regarding religion. As the Constitution was changed and independence was recognised on an european scale, Romania reached one of the most significant goalposts in its turbulent history.   [UP]



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